The VITEEE 2024 syllabus, meticulously crafted and unveiled by the esteemed authorities of the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), is now available for aspiring candidates. This comprehensive guide outlines the subjects and specific topics integral to the upcoming entrance examination.
VITEEE Syllabus 2024 for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics:
The key subjects encompassed in the VITEEE 2024 syllabus are Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Aptitude, and English, aligning with the standards of the 10+2 qualifying examination. Prospective candidates are strongly advised to thoroughly review and comprehend the intricacies of the VITEEE 2024 syllabus, a crucial step to enhance their preparation process. Consulting the syllabus not only facilitates a focused study approach but also enables candidates to identify essential topics and chapters that have been historically featured in the examination. In addition to the syllabus, candidates are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the VITEEE 2024 exam pattern, ensuring a comprehensive readiness for the upcoming assessment.
VITEEE 2024 Syllabus – Physics:
The Physics syllabus for VITEEE 2024, meticulously curated by the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), forms an integral part of the entrance examination designed to assess the aptitude of engineering aspirants. This comprehensive syllabus is thoughtfully structured to encompass key principles, theories, and applications in Physics. Candidates preparing for VITEEE are expected to delve into various facets of the subject, including Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, and Modern Physics. The syllabus not only serves as a roadmap for exam preparation but also highlights the foundational concepts that will be evaluated during the examination. As Physics plays a pivotal role in engineering disciplines, a robust understanding of the VITEEE Physics syllabus is essential for aspiring engineers seeking admission to VIT’s prestigious B.Tech programs.
Unit wise | Topics |
Laws of Motion & Work, Energy and Power | Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications. Static and kinetic friction – laws of friction -rolling friction – lubrication. Work done by a constant force and a variable force; kinetic energy – work-energy theorem – power. |
Conservative forces: conservation of mechanical energy (kinetic and potential energies) – non-conservative forces: motion in a vertical circle – elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions. | |
Properties of Matter | Elastic behaviour – Stress-strain relationship – Hooke’s law – Young’s modulus – bulk modulus – shear modulus of rigidity – Poisson’s ratio – elastic energy. Viscosity – Stokes’ law – terminal velocity – streamline and turbulent flow – critical velocity. Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications. Heat – temperature – thermal expansion: thermal expansion of solids – specific heat capacity: Cp, Cv – latent heat capacity. Qualitative ideas of Blackbody radiation: Wein’s displacement Law – Stefan’s law. |
Electrostatics | Charges and their conservation; Coulomb’s law forces between two point electric charges – Forces between multiple electric charges-superposition principle. Electric field – electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines; electric dipole, electric field intensity due to a dipole – the behaviour of a dipole in a uniform electric field. Electric potential – potential difference-electric potential due to a point charge and dipole-equipotential surfaces – the electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges. |
Electric flux-Gauss’s theorem and its applications. Electrostatic induction-capacitor and capacitance – dielectric and electric polarisation – parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium – applications of capacitor – energy stored in a capacitor – Capacitors in series and in parallel – action points – Van de Graaff generator. | |
Current Electricity | Electric Current – the flow of charges in a metallic conductor – drift velocity and mobility and their relation with electric current. Ohm’s law, electrical resistance – V-I characteristics – electrical resistivity and conductivity-classification of materials in terms of conductivity – Carbon resistors – colour code for carbon resistors – combination of resistors – series and parallel – temperature dependence of resistance – internal resistance of a cell – potential difference and emf of a cell – combinations of cells in series and in parallel. |
Kirchoff’s law – Wheatstone’s Bridge and its application for temperature coefficient of resistance measurement – Metrebridge – a special case of Wheatstone bridge – Potentiometer principle – comparing the emf of two cells. | |
Magnetic Effects of Electric Current | Magnetic effect of electric current – Concept of magnetic field – Oersted’s experiment – Biot-Savart low magnetic field due to an infinitely long current carrying straight wire and circular coil – Tangent galvanometer – construction and working – Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid – magnetic field lines. Ampere’s circuital law and its application. Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field and electric field – cyclotron – Force on current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field – Forces between two parallel current carrying conductors – definition of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field – moving coil galvanometer – conversion to ammeter and voltmeter – current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment – Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron. |
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current | Electromagnetic induction – Faraday’s law – induced emf and current – Lenz’s law. Self-induction – Mutual induction – self-inductance of a long solenoid – mutual inductance of two long solenoids. Methods of inducing emf – (i) by changing magnetic induction (ii) by changing the area enclosed by the coil and (iii) by changing the orientation of the coil (quantitative treatment). AC generator – commercial generator. (Single phase, three phases). Eddy current – applications – transformer – long-distance transmission. |
Alternating current – measurement of AC – AC circuit with resistance – AC circuit with inductor – AC circuit with capacitor – LCR series circuit – Resonance and Q – factor – power in AC circuits. | |
Optics | Reflection of light, spherical mirrors, mirror formula. Refraction of light, total internal reflection and its applications, optical fibres, refraction at spherical surfaces, lenses, thin lens formula, lens maker’s formula. Magnification, power of a lens, combination of thin lenses in contact, a combination of a lens and a mirror. |
Refraction and dispersion of light through a prism. Scattering of the light-blue colour of the sky and the reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset. Wavefront and Huygens’s principle – Reflection, total internal reflection and refraction of plane wave at a plane surface using wavefronts. Interference – Young’s double slit experiment and expression for fringe width – coherent source – interference of light – Formation of colours in thin films – Newton’s rings. | |
Diffraction – differences between interference and diffraction of light- diffraction grating. Polarisation of light waves – polarisation by reflection – Brewster’s law – double refraction – nicol prism – uses of plane polarised light and Polaroids – rotatory polarisation – polarimeter. | |
Dual Nature of Radiation and Atomic Physics | Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics – Electromagnetic spectrum – Photoelectric effect – Light waves and photons – Einstein’s photoelectric equation – laws of photoelectric emission – particle nature of light – photo cells and their applications. |
Atomic structure – discovery of the electron – specific charge (Thomson’s method) and charge of the electron (Millikan’s oil drop method) – alpha scattering – Rutherford’s atom model. | |
Nuclear Physics | Nuclear properties – nuclear radii, masses, binding energy, density, charge – isotopes, isobars and isotones – nuclear mass defect – binding energy – stability of nuclei – Bainbridge mass spectrometer. |
Nature of nuclear forces – Neutron – discovery – properties – artificial transmutation – particle accelerator. Radioactivity – alpha, beta and gamma radiations and their properties – Radioactive decay law – half-life – mean life – artificial radioactivity – radio isotopes – effects and uses – Geiger – Muller counter. Radiocarbon dating. Nuclear fission – chain reaction – atom bomb – nuclear reactor – nuclear fusion – Hydrogen bomb – cosmic rays – elementary particles. | |
Semiconductor Devices and their Applications | Semiconductor basics – energy band in solids: difference between metals, insulators and semiconductors – semiconductor doping – Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors. |
Formation of P-N Junction – Barrier potential and depletion layer-P-N Junction diode – Forward and reverse bias characteristics – diode as a rectifier – Zener diode as a voltage regulator – LED. Junction transistors – characteristics – transistor as a switch – transistor as an amplifier – transistor as an oscillator. | |
Logic gates – NOT, OR, AND, EXOR using discrete components – NAND and NOR gates as universal gates – De Morgan’s theorem – Laws and theorems of Boolean algebra. |
VITEEE 2024 Syllabus – Chemistry:
The Chemistry segment of the VITEEE 2024 syllabus, meticulously curated by the academic authorities of Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), holds paramount significance in the evaluation of aspiring engineers. Tailored to assess a diverse range of chemical concepts, the Chemistry syllabus encompasses three key branches: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry. Each branch delves into distinct principles, reactions, and applications, reflecting the comprehensive nature of the examination. Candidates preparing for VITEEE are not only tasked with mastering the intricacies of chemical theories but also with applying this knowledge to solve practical problems. This detailed and well-structured syllabus serves as a guide for candidates aiming to excel in the examination and secure admission to VIT’s renowned B.Tech programs, underscoring the integral role of Chemistry in the foundation of engineering disciplines.
Units wise | Topics |
Atomic Structure | Bohr’s atomic model-Sommerfeld’s extension of atomic structure; Electronic configuration and Quantum numbers; Shapes of s,p,d,f orbitals – Pauli’s exclusion principle – Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity- Aufbau principle. Emission spectrum, absorption spectrum, line spectra and band spectra; Hydrogen spectrum – Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series; de Broglie’s theory; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle – wave nature of electron – Schrodinger wave equation (No derivation). Eigen values and eigen functions. Hybridization of atomic orbitals involving s,p,d orbitals. |
p,d and f – Block Elements | p-block elements – Phosphorous compounds; PCl3, PCl5 – Oxides. Hydrogen halides, Inter halogen compounds. Xenon fluoride compounds. General Characteristics of d – block elements – Electronic Configuration – Oxidation states of first-row transition elements and their colours. Occurrence and principles of extraction: Copper, Silver, Gold and Zinc. Preparation, properties of CuSO4, AgNO3 and K2Cr2O7. |
Lanthanides – Introduction, electronic configuration, general characteristics, oxidation state – lanthanide contraction, uses, brief comparison of Lanthanides and Actinides. | |
Coordination Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry | Introduction – Terminology in coordination chemistry – IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Isomerism, Geometrical isomerism in 4-coordinate, 6-coordinate complexes. Theories on coordination compounds – Werner’s theory (brief), Valence Bond theory. Uses of coordination compounds. Bioinorganic compounds (Haemoglobin and chlorophyll). |
Lattice – unit cell, systems, types of crystals, packing in solids; Ionic crystals – Imperfections in solids – point defects. X-Ray diffraction – Electrical Property, Amorphous solids (elementary ideas only). | |
Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics | I and II law of thermodynamics – spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes, entropy, Gibb’s free energy – Free energy change and chemical equilibrium – the significance of entropy. Law of mass action – Le Chatlier’s principle, applications of chemical equilibrium. Rate expression, order and molecularity of reactions, zero order, first order and pseudo-first-order reaction – half-life period. Determination of rate constant and order of reaction. Temperature dependence of rate constant – Arrhenius equation, activation energy. |
Electrochemistry | Theory of electrical conductance; metallic and electrolytic conductance. Faraday’s laws – theory of strong electrolytes – Specific resistance, specific conductance, equivalent and molar conductance – Variation of conductance with dilution – Kohlrausch’s Law – Ionic product of water, pH and pOH – buffer solutions – use of pH values. Cells – Electrodes and electrode potentials – construction of cell and EMF values, Fuel cells, Corrosion and its prevention. |
Isomerism in Organic Compounds | Definition, Classification – structural isomerism, stereo isomerism – geometrical and optical isomerism. Optical activity- chirality – compounds containing chiral centres – R – S notation, D – L notation. |
Alcohols and Ethers | Nomenclature of alcohols – Classification of alcohols – the distinction between 10, 20 and 30 alcohols – General methods of preparation of primary alcohols, properties. Methods of preparation of dihydric alcohols: Glycol – Properties – Uses. Methods of preparation of trihydric alcohols – Properties – Uses. Aromatic alcohols – preparation and properties of phenols and benzyl alcohol. |
Ethers – Nomenclature of ethers – general methods of preparation of aliphatic ethers – Properties – Uses. Aromatic ethers – Preparation of Anisole – Uses. | |
Carbonyl Compounds | Nomenclature of carbonyl compounds – Comparison of aldehydes and ketones. General methods of preparation of aldehydes – Properties – Uses. Aromatic aldehydes – Preparation of benzaldehyde – Properties and Uses. Ketones – general methods of preparation of aliphatic ketones (acetone) – Properties – Uses. Aromatic ketones – preparation of acetophenone – Properties – Uses, preparation of benzophenone – Properties. Name reactions; Clemmenson reduction, Wolff – Kishner reduction, Cannizzaro reaction, Claisen Schmidt reaction, Benzoin Condensation, aldol Condensation. Preparation and applications of Grignard reagents. |
Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives | Nomenclature – Preparation of aliphatic monocarboxylic acids – formic acid – Properties – Uses. Monohydroxy mono carboxylic acids; Lactic acid – Synthesis of lactic acid. Aliphatic dicarboxylic acids; Preparation of oxalic and succinic acid. Aromatic acids; Benzoic and Salicylic acid – Properties – Uses. Derivatives of carboxylic acids; acetyl chloride (CH3COCl) – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Preparation of acetamide, Properties – acetic anhydride – Preparation, Properties. Preparation of esters – methyl acetate – Properties. |
Organic Nitrogen Compounds | Aliphatic nitro compounds – Preparation of aliphatic nitroalkanes – Properties – Uses. Aromatic nitro compounds – Preparation – Properties – Uses. The distinction between aliphatic and aromatic nitro compounds. Amines; aliphatic amines – General methods of preparation – Properties – Distinction between 10, 20 and 30 amines. Aromatic amines – Synthesis of benzylamine – Properties, Aniline – Preparation – Properties – Uses. The distinction between aliphatic and aromatic amine. Aliphatic nitriles – Preparation – properties – Uses. Diazonium salts – Preparation of benzene diazoniumchloride – Properties. · Carbohydrates – the distinction between sugars and non-sugars, structural formulae of glucose, fructose and sucrose, with their linkages, invert sugar – definition, examples of oligo and polysaccharides, · Amino acids – classification with examples, Peptides-properties of the peptide bond, Lipids – Definition, classification with examples, the difference between fats, oils and waxes. · Lipids – Definition, classification with examples, the difference between fats, oils and waxes. |
VITEEE 2024 Syllabus – Mathematics:
The Mathematics syllabus for VITEEE 2024, meticulously crafted under the auspices of the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), stands as a cornerstone in the evaluation of aspiring engineers. This comprehensive syllabus reflects the institute’s commitment to nurturing mathematical acumen, covering a spectrum of topics essential for success in the entrance examination. Mathematics in VITEEE 2024 comprises algebra, calculus, and trigonometry, offering a diverse set of challenges for candidates to surmount. Aspiring engineers are tasked not only with mastering the theoretical foundations but also with developing problem-solving skills crucial for real-world applications. A robust understanding of the VITEEE Mathematics syllabus is imperative for candidates seeking admission to VIT’s prestigious B.Tech programs, underlining the pivotal role mathematics plays in shaping the analytical thinking required for success in engineering disciplines.
Units wise | Topics |
Matrices and their Applications | Adjoint, inverse – properties, computation of inverses, solution of a system of linear equations by matrix inversion method. The rank of a matrix – elementary transformation on a matrix, consistency of a system of linear equations, Cramer’s rule, non-homogeneous equations, homogeneous linear system and rank method. Solution of linear programming problems (LPP) in two variables. |
Trigonometry and Complex Numbers | Definition, range, domain, principal value branch, graphs of inverse trigonometric functions and their elementary properties. Complex number system – conjugate, properties, ordered pair representation. Modulus – properties, geometrical representation, polar form, principal value, conjugate, sum, difference, product, quotient, vector interpretation, solutions of polynomial equations, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Roots of a complex number – nth roots, cube roots, fourth roots. |
Analytical Geometry of two dimensions | Definition of a conic – general equation of a conic, classification with respect to the general equation of a conic, classification of conics with respect to eccentricity. Equations of conic sections (parabola, ellipse and hyperbola) in standard forms and general forms- Directrix, Focus and Latus-rectum – a parametric form of conics and chords. – Tangents and normals – Cartesian form and parametric form- equation of chord of contact of tangents from a point (x1,y1) to all the above said curves. Asymptotes, Rectangular hyperbola – Standard equation of a rectangular hyperbola. |
Vector Algebra | Scalar Product – the angle between two vectors, properties of scalar product, and applications of the dot product. Vector product, right-handed and left-handed systems, properties of vector product, applications of cross product. Product of three vectors – Scalar triple product, properties of scalar triple product, vector triple product, vector product of four vectors, scalar product of four vectors. |
Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions | Direction cosines – direction ratios – equation of a straight line passing through a given point and parallel to a given line, passing through two given points, the angle between two lines. Planes – equation of a plane, passing through a given point and perpendicular to a line, given the distance from the origin and unit normal, passing through a given point and parallel to two given lines, passing through two given points and parallel to a given line, passing through three given non-collinear points, passing through the line of intersection of two given planes, the distance between a point and a plane, the plane which contains two given lines (co-planar lines), angle between a line and a plane. Skew lines – the shortest distance between two lines, condition for two lines to intersect, point of intersection, collinearity of three points. 2 Sphere – equation of the sphere whose centre and radius are given, equation of a sphere when the extremities of the diameter are given. |
Differential Calculus | Limits, continuity and differentiability of functions – Derivative is a rate of change, velocity, acceleration, and related rates, and derivative as a measure of slope, tangent, normal and angle between curves. Mean value theorem – Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange Mean Value Theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, L’ Hospital’s Rule, stationary points, increasing, decreasing, maxima, minima, concavity, convexity and points of inflexion. Errors and approximations – absolute, relative, percentage errors – curve tracing, partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem. |
Integral Calculus and its Applications | Simple definite integrals – fundamental theorems of calculus, properties of definite integrals. Reduction formulae – reduction formulae for x dx n sin and x dx n cos, Bernoulli’s formula. Area of bounded regions, length of the curve. |
Differential Equations | Differential equations – formation of differential equations, order and degree, solving differential equations (1st order), variables separable, homogeneous and linear equations. Second-order linear differential equations – second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, finding the particular integral if f(x) = emx, sin mx, cos mx, x, x2. |
Probability Distributions | Probability – Axioms – Addition law – Conditional probability – Multiplicative law – Baye’s Theorem – Random variable – probability density function, distribution function, mathematical expectation, variance Theoretical distributions – discrete distributions, Binomial, Poisson distributions- Continuous distributions, Normal distribution. |
Discrete Mathematics | Functions – Relations – Basics of counting. Mathematical logic – logical statements, connectives, truth tables, logical equivalence, tautology, a contradiction. Groups-binary operations, semi-groups, monoids, groups, order of a group, order of an element, properties of groups |
VITEEE 2024 Syllabus – Biology:
The Biology segment of the VITEEE 2024 syllabus, meticulously outlined by the academic authorities at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), serves as a vital dimension in the evaluation of prospective engineers. This specialized syllabus, unique among the core subjects, encapsulates Botany and Zoology, providing a comprehensive overview of biological principles. Candidates preparing for VITEEE are immersed in the intricate world of living organisms, exploring topics ranging from plant physiology and genetics to animal diversity and human anatomy. Beyond the confines of traditional science, the Biology syllabus emphasizes the interconnectedness of life, fostering an understanding of ecological systems and environmental issues. A thorough grasp of the VITEEE Biology syllabus is essential for aspirants vying for a position in VIT’s prestigious B.Tech programs, underscoring the significance of biological sciences in the multidisciplinary landscape of engineering.
Unit Wise | Topics |
Taxonomy | Need for classification; three domains of life. Linnaean, Whittaker, Bentham and Hooker systems of classification. Salient features of non-chordates up to phyla levels and chordates up to class levels. |
Cell and Molecular Biology | Cell theory. Prokaryotic cell and it’s ultrastructure. Eukaryotic cell- cell wall, cell membrane, cytoskeleton, nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, ribosomes, lysosomes, vacuoles and centrosomes. Cell cycle and division – amitosis, mitosis and meiosis. Search for genetic material; structure of DNA and RNA; replication, transcription, genetic code, translation, splicing, gene expression and regulation (lac operon) and DNA repair. |
Reproduction | Asexual reproduction – binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule formation and fragmentation. Vegetative propagation in plants, sexual reproduction in flowering plants and structure of flowers. Pollination, fertilization, development of seeds and fruits, seed dispersal, apomixis, parthenocarpy and polyembryony. Human reproductive system. Gametogenesis, menstrual cycle, fertilization, implantation, embryo development up to blastocyst formation, pregnancy, parturition and lactation. Assisted reproductive technologies. |
Genetics and evolution | Chromosomes – structure and types, linkage and crossing over, recombination of chromosomes, mutation and chromosomal aberrations. Mendelian inheritance, chromosomal theory of inheritance, deviation from Mendelian ratio (incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple allelism, pleiotrophy), sex-linked inheritance and sex determination in humans. Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, Hardy and Weinberg’s principle and factors affecting the equilibrium: selection, mutation, migration and random genetic drift. |
Human health and diseases | Pathogens, parasites causing human diseases (malaria, dengue, chikungunya, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ringworm) and their control. Basic concepts of immunology, vaccines, antibiotics, cancer, HIV and AIDS. Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse. |
Biochemistry | Structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Enzymes – types, properties and enzyme action. Metabolism – glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and pentose phosphate pathway. |
Plant physiology | Movement of water, food, nutrients, gases and minerals. Passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. Imbibition, osmosis, apoplast and symplast transport and guttation. Transpiration, photosynthesis (light and dark reactions) and electron transport chain. 2 Hormones and growth regulators, photoperiodism and vernalization. Nitrogen cycle and biological nitrogen fixation. |
Human physiology | Digestion and absorption, breathing and respiration, body fluids and circulation, excretory system, endocrine system, nervous system, skeletal and muscular systems. Locomotion and movement, growth, ageing and death. Hormones – types of hormones, functions and disorders. |
Biotechnology and its applications | Recombinant DNA technology, applications in health, agriculture and industries; genetically modified organisms; Human insulin, vaccine and antibiotic production. Stem cell technology and gene therapy. Apiculture and animal husbandry. Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein, fortification, Bt crops and transgenic animals. Microbes in food processing, sewage treatment, waste management, and energy generation. Biocontrol agents and biofertilizers. Biosafety issues, biopiracy, and patents. |
Biodiversity, ecology and environment | Ecosystems: components, types, pyramids, nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous), ecological succession, and energy flow in an ecosystem; Biodiversity – concepts, patterns, importance, conservation, hot spots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red data book, botanical gardens, national parks, sanctuaries, museums, biosphere reserves, and Ramsar sites. Environmental issues: pollution and its control. Population attributes – growth, birth and death rate, and age distribution. |
VITEEE 2024 English Syllabus:
The English segment of the VITEEE 2024 examination encompasses a series of Multiple Choice Questions designed to evaluate candidates’ comprehension skills. Questions may include passages, lines from poems, as well as assessments of English grammar and pronunciation. It’s noteworthy that the content has been specifically tailored to align with the difficulty level of higher secondary or equivalent education.
VITEEE 2024 Aptitude Syllabus:
The Aptitude section of the VITEEE 2024 examination covers a diverse range of topics, including Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Syllogism, Number Series, Coding and Decoding, as well as Clocks, Calendars, and Directions. This section aims to assess candidates’ analytical and problem-solving abilities, offering a comprehensive evaluation of their aptitude in various domains.
- Data Interpretation
- Data Sufficiency
- Syllogism
- Number Series, Coding and Decoding
- Clocks, Calendars, and Directions
VITEEE 2024 Important Topics:
As aspirants gear up for the VITEEE 2024, navigating through the vast array of topics becomes pivotal for strategic and effective preparation. The examination, conducted by the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), serves as a gateway for aspiring engineers to secure admission to prestigious B.Tech programs. Understanding the weightage and significance of each subject and topic is essential for a targeted study approach. In this exploration of VITEEE 2024, we delve into the important topics that demand special attention. These focal points not only form the core of the examination but also serve as indicators of the key competencies expected from candidates. Let’s embark on a journey through the crucial themes and concepts that will shape success in the upcoming VITEEE 2024 examination.
Physics | Chemistry | Maths | Biology | English | Aptitude |
Mechanical Properties | p, d & f-Block elements | Quadratic Equation | Cell and Molecular Biology | Comprehension | Data Interpretation |
Oscillation | Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry | Continuity & Differentiability | Genetics and evolution | English Grammer | Data Sufficiency |
Current Electricity | Equilibrium | Permutations & Combinations | Human physiology | Pronunciation | Syllogism |
Thermodynamics | Surface Chemistry | Functions & Limits | Reproduction | – | Number Series, Coding and Decoding |
Wave and Ray Optics | Biomolecules | Coordinate Geometry | Biodiversity, Ecology, and Environment | – | Clocks, Calendars, and Directions |
Recommended Books for VITEEE 2024:
VITEEE 2024 Physics Book:
Name of the book | Author |
Concept of Physics Part-1 & Part-2 | H.C. Verma |
Problems in General Physics | I.E. Irodov |
Understanding Physics Series | D.C. Pandey |
VITEEE 2024 Chemistry Book:
Name of the book | Author |
Handbook of Chemistry | R.P. Singh |
Textbook for Class XI & XII | NCERT |
Organic Chemistry | O. P. Tandon & Morrison Boyd. |
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations | R. C. Mukherjee |
VITEEE 2024 Mathematics Book:
Name of the book | Author |
Higher Algebra | Hall and Knight |
Degree level Differential Calculus | A Das Gupta |
Target VITEEE | Disha Experts |
Objective Mathematics Part 1 and Part 2 | R.D. Sharma |
Problems in Calculus of One Variable | I.A. Maron |
VITEEE 2024 Biology Book:
Name of the Book | Author |
S. Chand’s Biology for Class XI | P.S. Verma and B.P. Pandey |
Pradeep’s Biology Guide | P.S. Dhami |
As we bring our in-depth exploration of the VITEEE 2024 to a close, we trust that this comprehensive guide, tailored for aspiring engineers, will prove to be an invaluable resource on your academic journey. From unraveling the intricacies of the syllabus and highlighting pivotal topics to recommending essential study materials, our aim has been to provide a holistic approach to VITEEE preparation. This resource is crafted with the intent to empower candidates as they embark on the path to success in the VITEEE 2024 examination. For further academic insights, updates, and a supportive community, we invite you to explore more on the Global Academician website. May this guide serve as a beacon of guidance and support as you strive for excellence in the upcoming VITEEE examination. Best of luck on this academic adventure!
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